Аня Ким

Аня Ким


Анна Ким — профессиональный художник из Москвы. Основа ее художественного метода — отражение окружающего мира, перевод эмоции, впечатления, мысли в графическую форму.

Работает в абстрактном стиле, преимущественно в технике аналогового коллажа. Анна участвует в выставках с 2009 года. Ее работы находятся в коллекциях России, США, Германии и Кипра.


04.2022 "Glue art" Collage Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

12.2021 "1st Karelian Biennale of Fine Arts" /Participant, Moscow, Russia

12.2021 "There are women in Russian villages" Collage Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

11.2021 Graphics Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

07.2021 Collage FEST Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

05.2021 Collage Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

08.2019 Collage Achievements Exhibition /Participant, Moscow, Russia

02.2019 Recalling 2018 /Participant, Almyra Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus

09.2018 Ibrahim’s Khan /Participant, Ibrahim’s Khan, Paphos, Cyprus

03.2018 Pafian photographers exb /Participant , House of Literature and Arts, Paphos, Cyprus

03.2018 Recalling 2017 /Participant, Almyra Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus

04.2017 Public Art – "Self-portrait" /Personal Photography Exhibition – One of the 13 winners, Paphos, Cyprus

03.2017 Lush Art in austere times Exhibition /Participant, Isnotgallery, Nicosia, Cyprus

01.2017 Recalling 2016 /Participant, Almyra Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus

12.2016 The king is coming /Participant, Isnotgallery, Nicosia, Cyprus

07.2016 Analitical copies. Collages /Personal exb, Endless Wardrobe, Moscow, Russia

07.2016 Art Festival /Participant, Marina, Paphos, Cyprus

06.2016 Isnotgallery goes to Almyra /Participant, Almyra Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus

05.2016 Imagine art-project. Colloboration of two artists Anna Kim and Tati S. Titch, Labyrinthos Wine Bar & Gallery, Paphos, Cyprus

04.2016 Public Art – "Between" /Personal Photography Exhibition – One of the 9 winners, Paphos, Cyprus

02.2016 Lush Art in austere times Exhibition /Participant, Isnotgallery, Nicosia, Cyprus

08.2013 Art Exhibition Sah Art /Participant, Art center SahArt, Moscow, Russia

07.2012 The best of British Higher school of art and design /Participant, Moscow, Russia

02.2012 Photography Exhibition «On the road» /Participant, Moscow, Russia

06.2010 Book Exhibition «Mayakovsky proceeds» /Participant, Moscow, Russia

09.2009 Awarded with diploma of «Image of a book» contest in nomination Book Design, Moscow, Russia

08.2009 Exhibition of drawings created on trials of M.Khodorkovsky and P.Lebedev, Moscow, Russia
